Thursday, 8 May 2014

-3- [[RIP POST 3]]


Because of my amazing computer skills, post 3 got deleted. if you really want to know, I was using it as a template for post 4 and forgot altogether that it was ever post 3. however, to pay homage to this wonderful post (truly, it was one of my favourites!) I will try and recapture the essence of it. 


Post 3 lived an honourable life. Its favourite song was the dreamy, psychadelia-laden, '80s-nostalgic Connan Mockasin single off of LP, Forever Dolphin Love: Faking Jazz Together (which is all I've listened to since inadvertently deleting this post.) What else happened in this post's tragically short life? It promoted its love of depressing, low-fi, acoustic #1 Hit of internet sensation, Kate Jonze. Give this little musicthing a listen: my people/deliberately lost. It's not horrible at all and 100% improvised, so if you hate it, there's that. What else, what else? I mean, there must be more to the sad, short life of an entity that died with nothing but a sad little Google post to its name, which you can find on my wall. The crazy thing I did wasn't so crazy: I biked home in solitude at 2:00 a.m. while eating a veggie roti and a bag of corn pops, which both met their demise to the streetcar tracks I was travelling upon. Crazy? Not really, but for some of us, it is. at least Post 3 thought so. Bless its sad little deleted soul. 

Visual representation of post 3? voila:

HA. no. 

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